Exciting News
Sometimes my work life overlaps with my fiber life. This is one of those cases. Currently, I live 3 hours away from Robin. In the future, I will be about 30 minutes away from Robin, depending on where I settle. I was offered a great position at a smaller university, not too far from Robin. So, Fall 2006 will see me as an Assistant Professor of Biology! I'm tickled pink. I think the whole job process took about 2.5-3 weeks, from application to job offer. The fastest application process and interview I have encountered.
Robin read the unofficial job offer over my shoulder while I was down visiting her, after the interview. There was much squealing and joy on our parts! I signed the contract yesterday and will mail it tomorrow along with some transcripts. I think I still have to pass a background check, but that shouldn't be a problem. So, moving is in our (husband, cats, etc) future! Wheee!
Hey . . . maybe this will actually be Annette & Robin's blog again! LOL. She's busy, very busy right now. She's acing her classes though! And I might be very busy next semester myself.
Fiber related content -- I finished the first sock. Well, okay, the toes aren't grafted, but I'm still worried about running out of yarn, so they won't be finished until the second sock is finished completely!
Shawl? What shawl? I don't see a shawl. Sorry, no shawl work. Maybe I'll try conquering clue 3 tonight. That one is tough - as in, don't watch TV tough.
That's it from me. Happy fibering!
Robin read the unofficial job offer over my shoulder while I was down visiting her, after the interview. There was much squealing and joy on our parts! I signed the contract yesterday and will mail it tomorrow along with some transcripts. I think I still have to pass a background check, but that shouldn't be a problem. So, moving is in our (husband, cats, etc) future! Wheee!
Hey . . . maybe this will actually be Annette & Robin's blog again! LOL. She's busy, very busy right now. She's acing her classes though! And I might be very busy next semester myself.
Fiber related content -- I finished the first sock. Well, okay, the toes aren't grafted, but I'm still worried about running out of yarn, so they won't be finished until the second sock is finished completely!
Shawl? What shawl? I don't see a shawl. Sorry, no shawl work. Maybe I'll try conquering clue 3 tonight. That one is tough - as in, don't watch TV tough.
That's it from me. Happy fibering!
Just remember, Ms. Assistant Professor of Biology; I knew you when you were just a starving Graduate Student!!
And Congratulations. That "smaller" school picked the best!!
Thanks love!
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