Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

FO, sort of!?

So, I have this huge finished object I've been working on for most of this past year. I even finished a bit early. Only, I never thought of this as a FO, until someone mentioned something when she looked at said object. A good friend looked down at my FO and said in a very pleased voice, "You made a human!" So, I present one of the most beautiful and amazing finished objects I have ever been involved in, our baby girl, Rose Marie.


This was taken 5 days after she came 2 weeks early in April. You can read more about this here on my family website. There are some sewing items and knitting items on that site as well.

Rose is now almost 2 months old and my husband and I can't imagine life without her. And yes, I realize this is only the beginning for this little one and our part in her life, so really, she isn't quite a FO.

Happy knitting and fibering.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I exist

Yes, I really do exist still. I've just been a tad busy lately, getting ready for baby, finishing up a lab at work, recording lectures for "just in case", and being tired and pregnant. I have posted on my family blog, and there are projects on there. Most are sewing projects, but there are a few knitting related ones.

Anyways, today is my birthday. What am I doing for my birthday? I'm going to IKEA I believe to help hubby pick out a desk that he's been waiting for, very patiently I might add. What else am I doing? I don't know. I think I'm also taking my dead car to the battery shop to put a new battery in it. Yup, that's how my birthday may go. I'm off today, so I could be doing other things, but some of this plan sounds good anyways.

Happy fibering everyone!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Been a long time coming . . .

No fiber content in this one. This is for family members and friends mostly.

I'm around, but things have been very busy around here. Life is going to get even busier in the next year as we are expecting. That's right, we're finally expecting. This is our first, and we have waited a very very very long time for this little one. My parents were out visiting the last couple of weeks and got to be here for the 20 week ultrasound. That was pretty cool. I have not had a chance to scan in the little one's pics. My husband's favorite is probably the one with the baby's mouth open.

What gender is our little one? Well, the baby was not cooperating completely for us and had her legs crossed. I say "her" because the technician initially said she thought it was a girl and gave us an 85% chance of the baby being a girl, but by the end of the ultrasound, the technician was pretty sure we were having a girl. My husband, well, he's been calling the baby "she" and "her" since the beginning and feels the fact that her mouth was open is a good sign it's a girl. Before anyone gets all hyped up, this is a man who fought for women's rights and currently stands beside me in my own career, so he just jokes about things like that because he knows I get riled up. Boy do I get riled up about comments like that.

I had no clue it would be so interesting being pregnant. Seriously, it is fascinating and I'm loving the whole carrying our baby thing. I can't wait to hold our little one. It's just simply fantastic. I also had no idea how many safety concerns I would have to deal with at work. Since I teach biology, both lectures and labs, I deal with chemicals and microorganisms throughout the semester. I had to sort of tell people a bit earlier than planned due to chemical exposure and concern about others who teach in my lab leaving items or solutions out that I have a problem with. I also had to talk with my chair about scheduling for spring semester labs since there are a couple of labs I should not be teaching due to chemical safety and one lab I wanted done in the first 8 weeks due to standing for 3 hours. Phew. Everyone was very supportive and we got it all worked out. But, being a scientist and pregnant is interesting, to say the least. I did all my nasty chemical work early on in the summer to make sure I wasn't going to be exposed during the pregnancy to the nasty smelly chemicals. Good thing I did too.

Alright, so, what do I look like now? Well, here's a slightly blurry pic my mom took of me. I have a baby bump that is sort of visible and sort of not. Those who know me will probably see it. It's right near my right hand with the butter knife in it.

Annette Dec 2008

As I said, it's slightly blurry.

I have been knitting. I also worked with my mom to help sew me a diaper bag, which is totally awesome. Mom did a wonderful job. My parents painted the baby's room with me following behind and helping with the trim. The room is taking shape and color. I'll have pics soon so my parents can see the curtains that mom helped pick out fabric for. They have to be sewn first. I'll have more pics soon and may move this over to our main website since this isn't fiber content.

Happy fibering and happy holidays everyone!