Thursday, June 22, 2006

Brief Update

Hi, this will be a very brief update. I've got photos of Robin's newest bunny Pearl and Robin's Dye-O-Rama sock yarn. I will post them this weekend.

Meanwhile, I am packing up my home to move and getting over a very nasty cold -- antibiotic nasty. Needless to say, I've been pretty tired from the cold, but I've been sorting and tossing and cleaning up my files at home for the move. Gosh, you never realize how much paperwork you produce until you have to clean it up. I do wonder if the paper can be used as filling for the moving boxes. Anyone have any idea if jetinked paper would work for packing? I worry about the ink bleeding which is my only hesitation. I'd hate to have beautiful hand-dyed yarn turn blackish because of bleeding ink and my stupidity. Oh yeah, and what about old wrapping paper? Can that be used too as packing? Otherwise it will be given away.

I pack my craft closet next. I'll take a before photo so all of you can see my messy craft closet. When we moved into this townhouse, I didn't think I would find a place to put my craft stuff, so I appreciate the closet. In the new place, I may be able to expand my closet and take over a craft room. I wonder how my hubby feels about that possibility . . . probably scared, real scared.

Alright, pictures this weekend. If my work server would stop crashing, I may be able to accomplish some work today yet!

Happy fibering!


Blogger Annette said...

I don't need to cushion squishy yarn, I need to cushion a scroll saw and other items like that! Got any suggestions?

Grumble, I'll recycle the inked paper and check out my wrapping paper collection.

6/23/2006 2:51 PM  

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