Thursday, October 06, 2005

To Dye or Not to . . . ReDye

Yup, by the title you can figure out that I am thinking of redyeing my dyed and redyed lace yarn. I talked it over with Robin and I'm still not happy with the dyeing job. If I'm not happy, the yarn will sit there and never become part of something beautiful. So, this weekend the plan is to redye the redyed lace yarn!

What about spinning you ask? Well, I'm madly spinning some pale blue silk into lace weight yarn for the state fair. Will I finish in time to wash the yarn and set the twist? We'll see tonight and tomorrow since it must be washed and dried by Saturday so I can drop it off at my friend's house. She's taking it to the fairgrounds for me which is difficult for me to do.
I'll take pictures soon!


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