Sock Toys 1
Alright, I've started Christmas gifts already. I'm trying to do better and finish more now so that I don't have to rush at the end. I recently purchased Toys to Sew: Dozens of Patterns for Dolls, Animals, Doll Clothes, and Accessories by Claire Garland. I love this book. I will warn that I don't feel this is a beginner's book. If you are not used to sewing, some of the instructions are a bit too brief and more information would be needed, such as how to sew knit fabric, where eyes, nose, and mouth are placed, etc. I'm used to placement diagrams and there was less in this book than I expected. But, I do love the toy I made. Check her out below. She's a gift for a little girl I know, but she's not for a family member.

When she doesn't have clothes on, she doesn't sit well. So, apparently the only way this little doggy is going to sit is with her dress on. The next project in the book is the Tiger, or at least my version of the tiger.
While sewing this little one, I kept giggling. I'd put an eye on and giggle. I'd put her nose on and giggle. My husband was in the room with me laughing about how happy this little project made me. And it did. Making this little dog made me smile. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to see toys come to "life". Needless to say, there will be more of these projects in the future.
Whatever you do, I hope you get to giggle now and then too!

When she doesn't have clothes on, she doesn't sit well. So, apparently the only way this little doggy is going to sit is with her dress on. The next project in the book is the Tiger, or at least my version of the tiger.
While sewing this little one, I kept giggling. I'd put an eye on and giggle. I'd put her nose on and giggle. My husband was in the room with me laughing about how happy this little project made me. And it did. Making this little dog made me smile. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to see toys come to "life". Needless to say, there will be more of these projects in the future.
Whatever you do, I hope you get to giggle now and then too!
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