Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fibery Fun Weekend

Hey Robin,
This weekend I did quite a bit of fiber-related things. On Friday, I decided I wanted to make some stitch markers. I found a really great weblog that gives instructions on just that. Adventures in Geeky Knitting" posted a great tutorial on how to make stitch markers.

Annette's Stitch Markers

I love them. Starting from the top left: tiger's eye, misc. pale blue beads, frosted pale blue beads; bottom left: butterflies with pink/deep purple beads, blue heart and star beads, and butterflies for a friend. Five of the stitch marker sets was made Friday night, the last one was made Saturday evening.

Early Saturday I headed over to Cary, NC to participate in our guild's demonstration at Lazy Daze. I don't have pictures of that, but someone in the guild took pictures. There were members demonstrating felting, spinning, crochet, and knitting. I demonstrated drop spindling on my little drop spindle you gave me. We had lots of visitors and handed out lots of our brochures, so hopefully new members will be joining in our fun guild. The arts & craft festival was packed with people. I couldn't believe how many people were there.

We were very nicely placed on an offshoot area in the shade of a tree. We had a canopy over us and our guild prez brought 2 small fans that worked wonderfully. We were all very nice and cool. Lots of kids stopped by and wanted to learn how to drop spindle. Not many adults wanted to try, but we had one try it out.

On Sunday, I went shopping for a few more beads and some organizers. Not much fiber stuff going on today.

Hope you get to try making some of these stitch markers!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Spinning Bag My Mom Made Me

Dear Robin,
Okay, Finally I am posting the images of my spinning bag my mom made me. It fits everything in it. The images came from, who has some amazing embroidery designs. The images my mom used were free and created by different artists. The sheep was created by Margaret Hawkins, the spinning wheel by Rachel Fuge.

My mom downloaded the images and did the embroidery. What is really cool is that mom used a loosely spun wool thread to make the sheep's white fur. After emboidery, the wool thread is brushed and the sheep becomes fuzzy! The bag is awesome and works wonderfully to hold not only my spinning equipment and fiber, but also my purse. This means I only have to cart one bag to guild meetings. Too cool.
Spinning wheel side of my bagsheep side of my bag

Regarding the wish list . . . I find I don't want as much as I used to. Maybe I have more now that I am no longer a graduate student, or maybe I am older and wiser. Hah! Don't think it is that one.

I posted "How to make a drop spindle" on our "Patterns & How Tos" Page. Check it out and give me feedback. I would love to see any drop spindles that people make from the post as well.

Happy fibering!

Monday, August 15, 2005

"Want list" bigger than your budget?

Dear Robin,
Been talking to people and wondering if you have a "want list". You know, a list of craft or other items that you would love to have in the future. A portable loom for you maybe? An electric drum carder?

LOL, why was I wondering this, you ask? Well, I was talking with a fellow guild member, and she mentioned that she is buying a new wheel. Yes, this would be her 3rd wheel I believe. She joked about how it will have to replace the great wheel on her list. So, this got me to thinking about my "want list" and budgets.

I have craft things on my "want" list, not "need" list. A small traveling wheel (Hitchhiker maybe!), an embroidery machine (but need to use it more than I would right now, quilting maybe?), etc. Several people I know have a "want" list. So, what is on your "want list"?

Where does the embroidery machine come in? Well, while I was visiting my parents, my mom showed me her new toy -- a Brother embroidery sewing machine. Can't recall the actual name, but darn is it fascinating to watch embroider. I will post a picture soon of the bag my mom made me with said machine. So, now an embroidery machine is on my list for the future. Not the near future though.

Wonder what other fiber people have on their wish list!